संस्कृत श्लोक अर्थ सहित- (2) / SANSKRIT QUOTES WITH MEANING

1. एतदपि गमिष्यति। Translation in Englishaetahdapi gamishyati।This too shall pass.हिंदी में अर्थयह भी गुज़र जाएगा। 2. भूतकाल, वर्तमान और भविष्य काल के लिए (For past, present and future tense) नातिक्रान्तानि शोचेत प्रस्तुतान्यनागतानि चित्यानि । Translation in Englishnātikrāntāni śoceta prastutānyanāgatāni cityāni ।One should not regret what is past. One should only think of the present and future.​... Continue Reading →

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