मेरी लेखनी, मेरी धुन / My Writing, My Passion

I got this reminder from WordPress today and I feel very nice, 200 posts! I never thought when I started my blog that how my journey will be beautiful here. Thank you so much to all my fellow bloggers, friends, family who read my blogs regularly. I started my blog in 2017 and it’s been now two and half years, it is really so great to actively participate with all my fellow bloggers, to learn, to appreciate each other, it is totally different world over here, it is so lively here in the world of writing.

On this special feeling, I have expressed my feelings for my writing in a poetry form, please have a look.


लेखनी ने मुझे बहुत कुछ दिया,
मुझे एक पहचान दी है।

मेरे विचारों को पंख मिलते ही,
मन को नयी उड़ान मिली।

मेरे जज़्बात को आकार मिला,
मेरे दिल को सुकून मिला।

मेरी चुप्पी को आवाज़ मिली,
मेरी ज़िंदगी को धुन मिली।

लेखनी में खोकर ही,
मैंने खुद को पाया है।

लेखनी में खोकर ही,
जीवन जीवंत हुआ है।

लेखनी ने मुझे बहुत कुछ दिया,
मुझे एक पहचान दी है।

Translation in English:

My writing, My passion

My writing has given me a lot,
It gifted me my identity.
My thoughts got wings,
My mind started a new journey.
My emotion got shaped,
My heart got peace.
My silence got the voice,
My life got passion.
By getting immersed in my writing,
I have explored myself.
By getting immersed in my writing,
Life has become more lively.
My writing has given me a lot,
It gifted me my identity.

22 thoughts on “मेरी लेखनी, मेरी धुन / My Writing, My Passion

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  1. 200 posts

    Yaani aapki yog’daan ki 200 kadmou ki poornta ki nishani.
    Aapke 200 kadam, aapki kabailiyat ki na sirf nishani hai balki naye logo ke liye aap motivation hai…
    Aapki is safar me aapki bemisaal-rachnaiey jinme aane aapke keemti samay de kar apni sa’hridayi yogdaan diya hai.

    Aage badhtey rahiey, chaltey rahiey…300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000…

    Chaltey rahiey
    Badhtey rahiey.


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